icdbd-QA/0018: Calculation of gold value in case of advance payment of Zakaat
if anyone paid zakah of 2011 at 2010 in advance considering resell value of gold 30K, does she need to adjust since resell value of gold is almost 40K on 2011?
Answer:1 (By Shaykh Akramuzzaman)
Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,
Praise be to Allaah.
She doesn’t have to adjust.
And Allah knows the best!
question 2:
If anyone didn’t pay Zakah due to some reason for year 2010 and now she wants to pay that Zakat, then at which rate (rate of missed year or rate of current year) she should pay?
Answer:2 (By Shaykh Akramuzzaman)
Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,
Praise be to Allaah.
She has to pay after calculating by current value/rate.
And Allah knows the best!
[We request you to send one question/mail in future.]