প্রশ্নঃ মুহাররাম মাসে আশুরার সিয়াম ছাড়া অন্য দিনগুলোতে সিয়াম পালন করার কোনো ফযীলত আছে কিনা অথবা সিয়াম পালন করা যাবে কিনা?

প্রশ্নঃ মুহাররাম মাসে আশুরার সিয়াম ছাড়া অন্য দিনগুলোতে সিয়াম পালন করার কোনো ফযীলত আছে কিনা অথবা সিয়াম পালন করা যাবে কিনা?

icdbd-QA/0021: Combining make-up fasting of Ramadan and Fasting of Shawal

I used to keep my broken Ramadan fasts and 6 days fast of Shawal on the same days. I used to say two different niyahs. But now my sister in Islam says that I cannot keep fast for two niyahs. These fasts  should be kept separately. Now what would happen to my previous fasts. Do I need to do anything regarding those? Will my broken Ramadan fasts that I kept be valid?

icdbd-QA/0015: Does he require to make-up fasting which were missed when he was not so sincere about islam

Question:icdbd-QA/0015 Fasting became obligatory on me at the age of 14 when I became baaleg. due to ignorance and also lack of proper understanding of deen, I used to fast only 15 days on average on each Ramadaan till the age of 22. After this, I have fasted all along till now Alhamdulillah. Now that Allah has endowed me with proper understanding of Deen, I want to make up for those missed fasts by fasting and offering qaffara. at the age of 26 (presently), how many poor should be fed to make up…continue reading →