As salamu alaikum

Dear ICD Members,

You will be glad to know that we have launched a free email service for our members so you will get a personalized email ID of the form Unfortunately, the number of accounts are limited(for now) and as such they will be given on a first come first serve basis. The webmail portal can be accessed by clicking on the email icon on the right or by directly visiting For all new email ID requests please send email to with the following information:

First Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Email ID:

This is part of our continuous plan to InshaAllah centralize and digitize all the activities of ICD. The web team is working hard to develop an online events portal which will be used to register for future events/seminars online without the hassle of downloading and filling up forms.

Your sincere cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. seekthetruth Reply

    Assalamu Alaiqum,
    I have visited the ICD Chittagong recently as address was given by my friend.
    Couldn’t have much of information, unfortunately.
    Is there any community activities going on of ICD in Chittagong.
    Please let me know.
    I am eagerly interested in joining community like ICD.
    Zazak’ALLAH Khair

    • Md. Enamul Haque Reply

      Wa ‘Alaikumussalaam!
      ICD@Chittagong runs sort of independently of Dhaka. You may contact Brother Asif: 01714062959 and ask him to provide you with necessary information.

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